It's a Girl~

It's a Girl~

Friday, July 27, 2012

Parental Units

Before we could take Sadie home we had to watch “The Period of Purple Crying”
and “Infant CPR.” Matt was very serious about learning it and practiced on this baby.
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We could only take our white child home. I really wanted the black one but…


  1. Jamie this new baby has really turned you into a real Mom blogger. So many cute pictures and post just like your Mom and big sister. I love the pictures of your little Sadie she is a real cutie!

  2. Oh Sadie would have LOVED having a sibling to play with already :) I'm glad Matt was IS serious if it happens :)

  3. Haha. You and your twins. :). We got to take a copy of the DVD home with our first !
