my true love gave to me!!!!!
Since we are going up to WA for Christmas we decided to open some of our presents from my family and each other in the days leading up to Christmas. Saturday the 15th was Day One for us.
Some awesome knee high socks! It was a 3 pack and they are awesome.
Matt got to open some peanut butter filled chocolate footballs.
Sadie got to open her big present from Grammy and Grampy Catron. She LOVED it.
It lights up and sings and has some fun toys and balls. She had so much fun playing with it and watching the lights.
She got to play for a little bit and then Henry and Amy Buck came over to hang out for a while.
Henry really liked the toy too. (Even pushing Sadie out of the way). haha. Naughty
Amy then proceeded to sit on Sadie.
Sadie enjoyed it though. You can see that she is holding Amy on in the last picture.
Sadie laughed and laughed when Amy was sitting on her.
All in all, it was so fun and the Bucks tired her out so she took a nap on their couch.
Good presents today!! Thanks Grammy and Grampy!
In a few of the pics it looks like Mattie's the one having fun bahahaha Glad I picked out an okay gift :)