It's a Girl~

It's a Girl~

Saturday, September 19, 2015


The kids were so excited to go see Grammy. We left the 26th and spent two weeks there. Sadie loves flying on the airplanes.
One of the days Callie, Andrew and I went to the Broncos Stadium and Coors field. It was so cold. But we did the tour at Coor’s field and it was fascinating. It was neat to learn all about the Stadium.
I enjoyed spending time with Callie and Andrew. We miss them and never get to see them.
We were excited to be there for Grammy’s 50th birthday! She is so good with the kids! They love singing with Grammy and doing all the actions to the songs.
Grammy got some really awesome gifts… … …
Happy birthday Grammy!
One of Sadie and Maggie’s favorite things to do was take the microphones around and sing in to them.
Matt came on the first. We were so excited to have him!
Look at how pretty my parent’s house is!
Matt was good and took the kids out sledding so that was really fun. DSCF1052DSCF1054DSCF1058DSCF1061DSCF1085S0011048
We froze our buns.
These cousins love each other.
Another day our little family went to the Garden of the Gods. It was pretty neat and we were able to go on a lot of little hikes. It was cold again but it was pretty.
Denver January
Maggie gave Sadie this Anna dress for Christmas. These two loved dressing up together. DSCF1212
Grammy was so lucky to get a bouncy house for her Anniversary gift. Just what she was hoping for I think…(okay it was totally me that wanted it—poor Mom)
Good thing their basement is so big so we could just put it in there. The kids loved it! (For about 5 minutes at a time)
This girl is pretty cute!
Music time with Grammy!
Aunt Callie was the best and made a gingerbread house with the girls.
So sad to leave but happy to be on an airplane!


  1. Those are cute pictures of maggie and Sadie. It looks freezing!

  2. Oh my goodness...the pic of the girls on the front step is so, so cute! I'm so grateful that you guys could come and for so long! That may never happen again unless you quit work! ha! Love you!
