Matt is awesome at getting people to give him free things. We laugh (well I do) because I enter a lot of giveaways and win sometimes but Matt is always getting people to give us things…(ex. free peaches from a BYU professor, tickets, etc). He came home from class one night and said we had to leave right then to go to the choir concert. I was pretty sure we weren’t supposed to bring Sadie to it but we didn’t see anything in the fine print on the back of the tickets so we brought her.
My friend Rachel had posted on her facebook that she was in it so I was excited to go see her, especially since Matt knew her too.
Right when we got there we saw on the FRONT on the ticket “No children under six.” Whoops. They didn’t even say anything at the door though.
Sadie did really well…even if this picture makes it look like she didn’t. We just gave her some mambas to eat and she was happy. She only tried to sing with the choir once so that was good. She really liked the fast songs (and I did too because I didn’t have to worry as much about her making any noises.)
I was so confused at first because the choir came out and I couldn’t find Rachel ANYWHERE. I thought I was going crazy!! Matt couldn’t find her either though. We didn’t have a program so Matt borrowed one and we discovered after a while that there were two choirs performing. PHEW.
After the concert we met up with Rachel’s roommate and one of my friends from high school Elisabeth. She is just about the sweetest girl ever. We talked to her and then Rachel came and found us. It was fun talking to them since I haven’t seen either since before their missions. It hit me hard how different our lives were now even though we were the same age. I told them they were still young and single and I was an old mother of almost two babies. haha. Anyway, here are some pictures.
It was so nice to catch up with them and we really did enjoy listening to the pretty music.
After Matt and Sadie ran around and played with the snow. She really likes to kick the snow.
Thanks Matt for getting us some tickets and getting us out of the house!!