It's a Girl~

It's a Girl~

Monday, June 2, 2014

2 years and counting.

I can’t believe little Miss Sadie is 2! Besides the face that she has been behaving a bit more like a two year old for the last little bit it seems to have flown by!


  • Speaks in full sentences
  • Sleeps in the same room as Scout
  • Loves to be outside and throws a tantrum when we come in
  • Sleeps from about 8:30 to 6:30am
  • Takes 3 hour naps
  • Can count to five ( I think she can actually count to ten but she hasn’t actually done it for me)
  • Knows the letters O, Y, A, E, S, and T
  • Sings I am a Child of God, Happy Birthday, Old McDonald, Twinkle Twinkle, ABCs, The Wheels on the Bus, Popcorn Popping, Eensey Weensy Spider
  • Loves to read books (she pulls them off the shelves at night and at naptime so when we go in in the morning it is full of books)
  • Is a really good booty shaker
  • As I was writing this post climbed out of her pack and play several times (to the absolute delight of Matt)
  • Loves to push Scout’s stroller and her “baby stroller”


On another note, Scout is 4 months!!

  • adores Sadie—anytime Sadie smiles at her she smiles or giggles. She also follows Sadie around the room with her eyes
  • Rolls from back to front going one direction. She stays there for a bit and then gets mad about being stuck.
  • Rolls the other ways too but very rarely
  • Smiles ALL the time
  • Naps several times a day
  • Loves sitting up
  • Spits up after every meal
  • Tries to grab our food (she gets these crazy eyes and lunges for anything she can grab—which is usually my plate)


We love our babies and are so grateful to have them in our lives!!



  1. so cute! Sorry we missed your birthday Sadie. I hope you had so much fun. We love you and miss you!! Don't yell at Scout

  2. Look at those adorable girls! So glad we were able to be around them so much recently. Glad we can all get together in a month and see them with cousins too!

  3. Don't forget that Sadie sings party in the USA too.
