It's a Girl~

It's a Girl~

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Winter in Provo

or the lack thereof…

Matt and I went for a walk since we don’t have church until 1pm. Let’s just say it was BEAUTIFUL, as January has been.


We walked by the war memorial on center street and stopped to look. Matt always has some sort of sporting equipment with him…


Can you see us in this picture?


I really like this clock tower. I have never seen this before. Matt threw his ball up and over it.

Then we journeyed on to the tree that will forever remind me of my WORST date ever. This date took me here and was being a creeper. But the tree is absolutely beautiful…and historic…and giant.


So cool. It is called a Weeping American Elm. It’s cool.


Look at how beautiful and big those branches are! I really like this tree. Unfortunately, you can’t climb it. That would be awesome though.

OH! We FOUND some SNOW! YAY. Poor Provo and its lack of it. Poor skiers. Smile


It was a very enjoyable walk and I am glad to add the miles to my total!


  1. that tree is one of the 7 wonders of provo. you should look back at my post from when we did that :)

  2. I Would but I don't have access to your blog;{

    Ps thanks for the valentines day card~I would have thanked you on your blog but I don't have access.

  3. bahahaha Matt you suck-up! I must say you were a sweet-ums, though, to pose for the pictures! I want to see the tree and add miles to my fit-for-life
